Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Finally we get to use the Wiimote for its intended purpose - as a lightsaber.

So what if the Wii cannot handle the awesome 'next-generation' physics engine the other consoles will enjoy when Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is released. It gets duel mode! DUEL MODE! LucasArts announced today that Krome Studios is developing a version of the game for the Nintendo console, and players will finally get to use the Wiimote for its intended purpose - as a lightsaber.

With the Wiimote saber and the nunchuk controlling force powers, I'll be hard pressed to choose which console to pick the game up for. Adding to my inner turmoil is the aforementioned duel mode, which lets you take your friends in one on one Jedi battles to the death! I am so completely geeking out right now it isn't funny. You guys read the press release, I'm going to need a moment.

This could be all of us soon.

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