Wednesday, 19 September 2007

It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Let us begin this Interational Talk Like A Pirate Day yee scurvy sea dogs wit this here news:

Home torched by kids playing 'Pirates' game

A 16-year-old Bountiful girl and her 9-year-old relative accidentally torched their home Monday while acting out "Pirates of the Caribbean," fire officials said.

The fire broke out about 6 p.m. at the rental home where the family was living near 300 West and 3200 South, said South Davis Metro Fire Chief Jim Rampton.

The youths said they set fire to a map as part of their role-play, Rampton said.

"I don't know if that's something pirates do, if they burn the map after finding the treasure or something," he said. The fire caused about $30,000 in damage to the home.

Digital Nobody says;

Of course 'tis! Pirates love fire! Yarrr!

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